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What do you need to know now about tax settlements in Norway for 2023?

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The tax settlement period for 2023 is coming. Do you settle your income in Norway? Check it out!

In this link you will find a CALENDAR of settlements for the tax year 2023. Here we have shortened information about taxes for 2023 for you.

March, the 7th – beginning

The first important deadline for Norwegian taxpayers in 2024 is March 7th. On the 7th, Skatteetaten starts sending the Skattemelding for 2023. This is one week earlier than in previous years.

People receiving income from Norway in 2023 and settled under general rules (ordinær skatt) will receive a settlement between March 7 and 22. Settlement is only possible after receiving this document from the office.

Settlement deadline is: April 30, 2024. It is possible to extend the deadline to May 31, 2024. Remember, however, that you must apply for it before the first deadline.

The first final settlements / skatteoppgjøret Skatteetaten are scheduled for March 20, 2024. In short, people with overpayments can expect refunds very quickly.


Our clients settling annual tax for 2023 complete a special form that makes easier annual
settlement in Norway. To the form must be attached:

  • årsoppgave from the employer(s) and NAV for 2023 (if benefits were paid),
  • in the case of interest write-offs on loans from abroad, a certificate from the bank must be attached.

VERY IMPORTANT: other documents confirming travel, housing costs, etc. should be stored in case of an inspection by Skatt (please do not send other documents to us). If you are not our client yet and have not received a form to complete from us, please contact us: